Monday, February 13, 2012

Top 5 Ways to have a Fulfilling 2012

 As you read this post, we would probably be in the second month of 2012. What has happened to your Goals? I mean those New Year resolutions you set? I just hope it has not vanished into thin airs and that you are holding strong those dreams. So, if I was supposed to give you some advice for the year 2012,what would it be?
In this post, I share with you top five 5 ways to have a fulfilling 2012, remember time flies and you need to fly with it if you want to have a wonderful 2012. Most people allow the years to pass by without taking stocks of the year, would you allow this year to also pass by? What should you do if you are looking forward to a fulfilling 2012? These are some of  the paths you can take to a fulfilling year:
  • Live Below your Means
live below your means
I have notice overtime that, there is always the temptation of forsaking the future for instant gratification. We all want to own the latest technology gadget; I do; especially if you consider it an asset. We love to treat ourselves to an expensive night on the town, or take out a loan for the flashy car we can’t afford. It might feel great at the time but rash spending hurts a lot later on.
Enjoy life’s simple pleasures and save as much as you can. Expensive things don’t create lasting happiness and security. Careful spending will bring you greater leisure and enjoyment in the long run. If I have one advice for you in 2012 it would be this: Spend money on only what you would need and trash all expenses as gratifications that goes unsatisfied.
  • Educate Yourself
The very moment we stop learning we stop living. To be happy in the world, we need continuous growth. The best way to grow is lifelong education. This doesn’t mean you need to pursue a doctorate or spend another 2 years studying for a master’s degree. Real education is self education and it means learning new things that takes you out of your comfort zone. It is your ability to seek for fresh ideas and apply those ideas in your everyday living. Education builds over time. It might feel like the bits of wisdom you acquire don’t mean much, but over the years they add up to form a wiser, kinder, more interesting person. A great philosopher once said, the best educated people are those who are always learning, always absorbing new things at every given opportunity.
  • Work towards Your Dream
To have a more fulfilling 2012, find out what you would love to do and work towards it. Even if your life isn’t perfect, you can always build towards a goal you’re passionate about. It just takes one piece of block at a time to complete a magnificent house. Start now, and with what you have.All traffic lights cannot turn green. Keep moving and if the light turns red,stop,take stock and keep moving. If you aren’t building towards something, you’re probably stagnating. We can’t control everything about our lives, but working towards a goal gives us something positive to focus on and lays the foundation for future success. No matter what your passion is, get out there and start doing something. As Lao Tzu said, even a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.

  • Build Lasting Relationship
No man is an island. Sometimes you need someone to show you the way. If you want to experience a wonderful life at the end of 2012, start building and maintain lasting relationship. Develop a list of professionals you would love to meet and start taking steps to network with them. You are what you were five years ago, expect for the people you meet and the books you read. People have strong ability to accelerate our progress in life, find them out and build lasting relationship with them.
  • Take time off and Pray
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood”, the Bible says. Prayer is the key to unlock the unknown and the light that shines on our path. When we pray, we acknowledge our limitation and invite the Supreme Being to take charge.It is our soul pouring out its needs, expectations and uncertainty to the Creator. God know what you need. Ask and you shall Receive.Seek and you Shall Find.Knock and the door would be opened on to you. For anyone who asked Receives (MATTHEW 7:7-8)
 What Next?
Don’t live your life to chance, you are the architect of your life. Draw out what you want to achieve before the year end and start moving. Life is too short to be wasted on unproductive ventures.

