Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Emmanuel F.Kumah: Discovering Your Purpose

The Purpose Discovering Exercise

Welcome,I have now seen your  enthusiasm in  discovering and fulfilling your life on Earth.The truth is that many a people exit the planet Earth without fulfilling their purpose on Earth and many are walking on the planet  Earth without or fulfilling someone else purpose.
In this article ,we would learn some few proven techniques in discovering our purpose on this Earth and I must  let you know that the techniques are not mine, how I wish they were!. It has been culled from Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven life book. Thank you Rick, for letting us answer the most important question in life- Why Am I Here on Earth.
Discovering the Purpose
In discovering the purpose , we would take a critical look at the words SHAPE. This are initials of words put together to assist in the easy identification of one’s purpose, on a lighter note , the SHAPE of a thing reveals what the thing  can be used for , a knife is shaped  in such a way that as soon as you see it , you may think it can be use to cut, a pen has been shaped to be used in writing.
Likewise, you been shaped for a function .The words SHAPE stands for Spirituality, Heart, Ability,Passion and Experience. Now that you know what the means lets us see how this words would help us discover our purpose on  Earth. Are you ready?
It is only the Creator that know about His creation, Ask God, spend some time in prayer talking to your Maker.If you are a ‘ Church Person’ take a look at what you engage yourself with in church.Are you a pew warmer in church?, if you are you may never discover the purpose.Even if you are, resolve in your mind not to.Take a look at some activities in the church  that catches your attention and  join such activities it may be that it is where God wants you to do and be- it is your ministry. Many a time we confuse ministry to be for Pastors or religiously inclined individuals. I sing in my local church, and that is my ministry because I find great fulfillment and satisfaction in ministering in song to people.Find out what God wants you to do in the body of believers He has placed you in and you would find your purpose on Earth.Think is a joke?  Haven’t you read or heard  of ministers of the gospel who have abandoned prestigious careers to preach the gospel. You may think ,they are ‘mad”, no they are not –this is what becomes of anyone who discovers his purpose.
Our heart can be a help in discovering our purpose on Earth. Let me ask you a question – What causes your heart to beat faster or to skip a beat?
Growing up I realize that  whenever someone talks about entrepreneurship or being his own boss,and personal finance  my attention is quickly drawn to that,I  gave that a serious thought till I discovered may be that is what God wants me to be, no wonder  am working hard to start my own personal finance consultancy. Think am kidding, wait and see.
I know a friend who is so crazy about the welfare of women and kids, any time she see a women in need or a child in distress her heart quickly runs to the rescue. I one day invited her to church and fortunately a young lady preached in church,and she has been talking about such experience ,every time she comes to my church.I discuss with her that ,that is where God wants her to be- to empower ladies in every aspect of their life and to raise Godly women for our Generation.What causes your heart to skip a beat,what words draw your attention when you walk on the street?. Be careful about such things , you may be discovering the  purpose of your life
Every individual has something he or she can do without much struggle, that is the ability. You were endowed   with some special ability that would enhance the fulfillment of your purpose if only you can use it effectively.I have the ability to write and I am using that ability to help enhance your life ,others have the ability to talk and their services are always need as MC during special occasions. What can you do naturally without much struggle-read, sing , encourage, entertain, persuade ,draw or cook? Find it out and work developing that ability .it is another way of discovering your purpose on earth an transforming the life of others.
It is passion that drives excellence; there is no one on Earth who has achieved something worth having who does not have passion. For me, passion is your purpose in action. I am passionate about unlocking the potentials in individuals to become better than their current level and that gives me Purpose. I am passionate about music and I can sing my heart out on to God, no wonder   I am working hard on  my musical career, my passion drives me ,it is my power in action.You may be passionate about computers, it is not by chance,God placed it in you to help fulfill your purpose on this earth.Others are passionate about clothing and they are great clothing designers in the world. Gucci is a good designer because he is passionate about making better clothing for others. What are you passionate about- cars,animals? May be that is what you were made for.Find out what you love to do and do it with  all your strength because it is  what God created you for.
E- Experience
Some say experience is the best teacher, that is true but for me it is more than a teacher.It is what you do with what you go through. Life pushes all of us around and it is the push that life gives us that helps us to discover our purpose on this Earth. You have some experience in every aspect of your life ,some may be enjoyable and some very painful you do not  want to imagine. It is through these experiences that helps shape our purpose on Earth. Experience come from every angle, from the family ,school,and work place.Look at what you are going through in life no matter how painful and draw out your purpose from it. It is what have been through in just these few years of existence that has empowered me to develop myself in the area of finance and personal development.You may have enjoyed every unpleasant upbringing but it is  through those experience that God would shape you and prepare you to liberate people in similar situation ,do not cry over it- learn from this. If you are struggling with finance God wants to use that to teach you how to harness money so you can empower people to get out of Poverty. Do you know, get it.
What Next?
How has this article been , let me know? Are you still not clear on some issues or you would want to throw more light on some topics, please drop me you comment.Just know the worst thing in the life of a man is a man without a God given Assignment (  Purpose). Thank You.

